Sunday 14 November 2010


It is a very very funny book. It is written by Roald Dahl (it's not the story of Roald Dahl himself but it is similar).
A boy called Roald is a very funny character in this book, he hates studying and he is not so intelligent.
He discovered many strange thimgs in his life. During his childhood, he changed his schools many times. And he wasn't so intelligent. Finally, will he get a job? Will he suceed in his life?
I suggest you people to read this book because it's very funny and interresting. I have enjoyed it reading thoroughly. I would read it again and again. It's an exciting story for children!


  1. I think that this report isn't excatly what you talked about but I have read it a year ago.
    I remember the book talks about Roald Dahl's childhood, and I disagree that he doesn't like studying and not intelligent. But it is pretty funny and I enjoyed reading it. It's not too difficult and any age could read it.

  2. I read this book 6 months ago and I found it very funny just like you .But the story is based on the childhood of Roald Dahl so logically it is him .He didn't hate studying but in one part of the book he had homefever which is not a studying problem and he is not stupid at all .But you are still right that you should recommend this book to everybody .

  3. Quentin Lapeyre 4eme B16 November 2010 at 09:38

    Hi Anamika, i've just read you book report on Roald Dahl's book and I think you've made a little mistake. Boy:Tales of childhood is the first autobiographical book written by the famous British author Roald Dahl!
    Well let's ignore this confusion. As far as I am concerned, I also enjoyed reading this book but I still prefer books with murders and adventure. My favorite part in this book is when Roald Dahl is in the candy- shop with his friends and Roald Dahl spent a whole page to describe the candies!
    That's all!

  4. HI Anamika! I read that book too! Can't wait to meet you in India!

  5. I have read this book as well!
    I really liked it, and I have read nearly every book by Roald Dahl! 'Mathilda' is my favorite!
    If you haven't read it yet, then I higly recommend it!

  6. Hey, we studied this book in class last year. I didn't particulary liked this book of Roald Dahl, but it was still good. I prefered his other books. :)

  7. Hey Anamika, we sutied this book last year in class, it was a good book, it's interesting to know about this world known writer's childhood. But it wasn't my favorite Roald Dahl book. :)

  8. I read this book a while ago ! It's probably one of my favorite english book ! I really loved it and I recommend people to read ! Is it is very funny and very interresting ! Roald Dahl is a very good writer !

  9. I read Boy by Roald Dahl a year ago and I roughly remember the story. I do agree with some parts of your review. However, "Boy" is Roald Dahl's childhood autobiography. He did love studying and was a very intellegent boy. I found his stories amusing because he was a mischievious boy as well. For example, when he put the rat in a candy jar to frighten the shop clerk. I would recommend chilrdren to read this book

  10. Hi Anamika, i am unfortunateky not part of the bilingual section so i will not have the chance to got to India nor to mett you. I have just read your book report and "BOY" seems to be a great book. I have read multiple book of Roald Dhal, but i have never read this one. I have two favorite book from this author, they are "Charlie and the chocolate factory" and "Mathilda", I don't know if you had the chance to read it, if not, i really recommend them! Anyways, I will look for this book in our school's library to see if it's as awseome as the way you described it! ;)

  11. Boy by Roald Dhal
    I have red this book and I find it quite interesting and funny.
    You made a good description of the book, if I have not read Boy I would read it.
    Really goodly ritten with interogatives this comment could be pout a the back of the book to geet an idea of it’s contain.
    Great job

  12. Hey Anamika!
    I have just read your book report, this book seems very funny! Roald Dhal's autobiography, it's seems interesting. Like Chloe, I read and very liked his book "Matilda". If "Boy" is as well as "Matilda" and as funny as you described it, I'll problably liked it!

  13. I read this book a year ago and I remember I enjoyed reading it.
    I read other books from Roald Dhal but i think this one is the best, probably because it tells his childhood in a very funny way.
    I recommend it for anyone who likes Roald Dahl's books.

  14. Harro I read diss book rast year, is so very coor you dont know but very good very good very funny I enjoy da book hope to see you in india by by friend
