Wednesday 24 November 2010

Our 3rd place

Dear Hong Kong friends, our school won the 3rd prize at the Hindu quiz!

On November 20th, 2010, 8 students including me paticipated to the Hindu quiz at Pondichery Engeniering College. And there we stood in a long line for registration for about 1 hour and there was above 75 schools which partipated in the quiz competition, after that we entered the auditorium where they gave at the entrance some goodies and a sheet with 25 questions and we all answered them. After that a team of our school qualified for the finals with 5 other teams from different schools and we finished 3rd in the finals and won 10000 rps . The prizes were distributed by the well-known indian cricketer L.Balaji. Finally we all returned back to school at 4 oclock. It was really a great experience!

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