Monday 22 November 2010

Nehru Street :D

Hey Friends ! I'm sure that you will visit some places in Pondichéry. So I would like to talk about one of our commercial street : Jawarhal Nehru Street. As you can see, Pondichérry is not that kind of big city but there are lots of small stores where you can find anything for your needs.
I have been here for the past 4 years and I sometimes use to go shopping or just go in a special shop where you can have indian snacks, sweets, ice creams and many candies. But I can tell you it's really amazing when it's the week-ends, you can find a super large crowd in this narrow street.
Moreover, you can also find the famous " Indian Coffee House " ( I think you have heard about it because of the story of Yann Martel ) which has been closed.

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