Friday 10 December 2010

Mrs. Gandhi

Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi is the only child of Jawaharlal Nehru and Kamala Nehru. For her higher studies, she went to Oxford.In 1930 , she became a member of the pro-independence based on India league. In the same country, she met a muslim man (politician), named Feroze Khan;then adopted by Gandhi.They fallen in love and decided to get married . When Indira and Feroze returned to India for their mariage. Her father refused for a long time anf finally, in 1942 they got married.Their relationship seperates after the birth of their two son: Rajiv Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi .

She was the first women P.M of India between 1966 to 1977. After she stepped foot in politics, our nation had scarce food, so green revolution came into effect. In 1977, Indira was called for an election, but unfortunately she lost because India was in instability. On October 31st 1984, Indira was killed by her own two Sikhs guards.

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