Friday 3 December 2010

Pondicherry in 1954

Till 1947, the independence of India, the country was ruled by the English.
England had to give independence to India after the Second World War because of the United Nations which encouraged decolonisation.

Pondicherry, Karaikal, Yanam and Mahe were ruled by the French and were called "French India". After the independence of India, the French empire did not free the colonies.
After many freedom movement activities done by the "Liberation Movement" and an election held on the question of the merger Pondicherry with India, Pondicherry got its independence from France on the 1st of November 1954. French India disappeared. Pondicherry included Yanam, Mahe and Karaikal and formed the Union Territory of Pondicherry.

Today this union has the same government and governor Iqbal Singh.
If you come and see Pondicherry now, you can see many French monuments.

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