Friday 3 December 2010

Pondichery's independance in 1954

Pondichery became a French colony on the 15 january 1742. After that date followed 3 centuries of French domination. After that colonies are much solicited like in 1st or 2nd world wars. The Indian union, independent since 15 th august 1947, called for the return of French colonies. France was already embroiled in a war in Indonesia, couldn't afford of a major crisis with India. That's why the foreign affairs minister George Bidault invokes the negociation. On June 28, 1948 France agrees to return Pondichery with Indian counters by a referendum for each of them. The situation is more complicated in other trading posts because the Indian government hardered its position by requiring the pure cession of the counters. Indian nationalists freed Yanan in June, 1954 and Mahe on July 16th but Pondicherry resisted. On may 28th, 1954, Pierre Mendés France signed a pact with the Indian government and France restituted all the counters.
Today Pondichery is the capital of a fragmented territory composed by Karaikal in Tamil Nadu, Mahe on the south coast and Yanan on the north-west coast.

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