Friday 11 February 2011

Ang Lee, the director of Life of Pi

Hi Friends,
So now we are going to talk to you about Ang Lee, the director of Life of Pi. He's a taiwanese
director, an actor, a writer and a producer. He was born on 23 of october 1954 in Chaochou, now he is 56 years old. He got married with Jane Lin and he has two sons: Han Lee and Mason Lee. When he was young he was interrested in drama and arts so he studied in many schools and he learned all about film making. He did many films and won many Oscars, many BATFA and, many Golden Globe awards. Now he's directing Life of Pi, a novel of Yann Martel, on a boy named Pi and his experience on zoology and on philosophy. Some shoots of this film are taken in India mainly at Pondicherry, Munnar, then others are take in Taiwan. Many actors are participating in this film some French people are also acting in this movie. It's a 3D film! So we are waiting just like you to see the film!
Shanbhag Jannhavi 3eme2 and Manicame Sivasankari 3eme3.

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