Sunday 13 February 2011

Life of Pi: Extras

A film is a big work.
Every little scene is done with precision. Every little character has to be perfect.
Some Europeans of our school have been shot in the movie: Mme Mathis, Mme Cora and her sons, Sashka Bolant, Anna Grésillon…etc.
And I got the opportunity to learn things on the movie by interviewing Mme Cora.

What was your role in the film?
I was a woman riding a bicycle. I had to speak with a young lady who was also riding a bicycle next to me.
In which scene did you act?
It was a little scene. The camera shot the road full of Europeans.
Where did it take place?
The scene took place in Bussy street, at the corner where is the building “Travaux Publics”, in front of the “Pizzeria au feu de bois”.
Why were you selected?
I was selected because of my long blond hair and because I am a European. In fact I was shot from behind!
Were you made up?
Yes, I was! They put me a bun.
Were you paid?
Of course, yes!
Can you say us interesting things on the scene?
They shot the scene 2 days and twenty times, to get a particular sunlight which covers the road. It was shot at night. It is a scene which takes places in the fifties. So, they painted the road in black and removed the white strips, the footpaths were covered with plastic and then painted, the electric cables were removed, and canons were set. I know almost all the persons who acted with me, except few ones including the young lady next to me. I learned that she was a doctor. The pizzeria was renamed as “le café de Pondichéry”.
Do you know? I was absent 2 days at school because of the shooting!
What did Mme Mathis do?
Mme Mathis was a lady who was sitting near the pizzeria for many hours! She had to speak with a woman.
What did your sons do?
Roman was dressed in a uniform. He was sat in a rickshaw pulled by the arms. Bogdan and Alan acted as if they were visiting a zoo, but there was no zoo, it will be put by graphics! And Milan was walking on a road.
What did Sashka and Anna do?
Sashka and Anna walked on the road but I think the scene has been removed because in the fifties girls don’t walk on the road alone and with big heels!
How was that experience?
It is an extraordinary experience for me. I learned that a scene taken in 2 days appears only 15 seconds on screen, and many other things on the shooting of a movie that I can share with my students. For example they take care on the sunlight.
Did you see Ang Lee?
Yes, I saw him.
What do you think about him?
He is someone mythical, who won many prizes. He focuses so much on what he does and he is very involved in is films.
Was Pi here?
Pi was not here because it is a tiny scene.
Do you think the film will be a success?
A great one! I am sure that the film will get many awards.
I thank very much Mme Cora to have spent time for me. Mme Sandra said that the payment of the tiny characters depends on the distance from the camera: her daughter Sashka was paid 500 rupees. I am waiting for the film release to see that particular scene. Ady Canimozhi

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