Monday 29 November 2010

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Hi Friends !

I am going to talk about The Sri Aurobindo Ashram!
It is a very quiet place !
It is situated in downtown Pondicherry.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram was founded on the 24th November 1926. But then, there were only 24 disciples in the Ashram.
Sri Aurobindo appointed a co-worker in charge of the ashram named Mirra Alfassa also known as The Mother.
The ashram favors Yoga and meditation. The Ashramites are vegetarians and don't belong to any religion. The people who work there don't get paid but they get food and a place to live.
As the ashram became bigger and bigger, there were many departments.
Nowadays, the ashram is a large institution.
The ashram has its own school. The students can choose the subjects and teachers they want but they don't have week-ends. Their uniform is white and green. They study in many languages like French, English, Hindi etc... They also give a lot importance to sports. The school is only open to its members.
There are also many charitable benefits in the area like free medical facilities.

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