Sunday 21 November 2010

Hello friends!

Come and discover Trankbar, a nice town that we visited with our class!

We went to Trankbar, a little town in Tamil Nadu, on the 31st of August. Trankbar was a Danish colony from 1620 to 1845, then it became a British colony till India got its independence.
Trankbar was a very important and busy port when it was a Danish colony. We entered by the Town Gate, built around the town. It was a very silent place. We didn't see so many people as in Pondicherry. First we entered in the New Jerusalem Church, a white building, surrounded by a garden. It was very calm inside. Then we walked on a road where we saw many Muslim houses, Tamil houses... And we went to the ancient port, Dansborg. It was an old fort with a museum inside. The museum contains precious objects of the Danes and information on the ships which arrived to the port. Dansborg is quite vast and empty. Near the fort, you have the beach, the Bay of Bengal. Our favourite place was the beach, we really enjoyed it as you can see in some photos!
The people in Trankbar are very generous. They let us enter all in their house for water.

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