Sunday 21 November 2010

Like Ian Martel, get a glimpse of Nehru street!

Nehru street is a very broad commercial road where you can find all types of shops. In the road side shops prices are very reasonable and in big shopping malls, you can find lots of things like shoes, dresses, jewels or whatever you want at different prices. It's a very famous place in Pondichery everyone knows where Nehru street is situated. It's always crowded and here in the photo we can see that there are some small, this is the sunday market. Every sunday you have in some streets of pondichery road side shops where you can find many things at low prices. Nehru street is named like this because Jawahrlal Nehru is a very famous person and to honour him we gave his name for the most important place of pondichery. In general Pondichery is known for perpendicular streets.

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