Sunday 28 November 2010

The Hindu Young World Quiz 2010

Hello everyone, hope you had fun during the last week-end, because I did. On Saturday 20th, I went to the Pondicherry Engineering College with some of my friends from 4°, 3° euro and scientific section and with our English teacher Mme François. We participated in the Hindu quiz which was held all over India. More than 600 students came from all over Pondicherry, and we had to wait in a long cue for hours before getting inside the auditorium where the quiz took place. First, written test, we had to answer 25 questions. Later , it was the real competition between six teams from different schools, luckily our school was one of them, and our friends from 3° scientific section had the chance to go to the stage and answer the questions. After a hard competition our school came third and the prices were awarded by Lakshmipathy Balaji, a famous cricket player, sadly we couldn't get an autograph. After an exiting day we came back to our school.

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