Monday 29 November 2010

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Hi friends, here is a small article for you about 'Sri Aurobindo Ashram'. In December of that year, Sri Aurobindo decided to withdraw from public view, and appointed his co-worker Mirra Alfassa, thenceforth known as The Mother in charge of the ashram.
A complete method of Yoga
that would transform human nature to divine life. In Sri Aurobindo's system, the highest aim is the being of one, without the renunciation of life in the world.

A limited number of rooms are available in Ashram guest houses for visitors coming for a short visit to Sri Aurobindo Ashram.That place is favorable to meditate.
Generally an Ashram is a peaceful place to meditate. This ashram was founded on 24th November 1926 (Siddhi Day) by Sri Aurobindo. The Mother was the first in charge of this ashram. People who are working for this ashram are not payed, but they get to eat everyday and a home. Ashramites are spiritual, they don't belong to any religions, for them everyone is equal. They are all vegetarians, they never eat meat. And the students over there can choose their teachers and their subject 5at least.
But they don't have week-ends like us.

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