Monday 29 November 2010

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Hello guys,
I’m going to present you “Sri Aurobindo Ashram” (mentioned by Pi in chap 3). The Ashram is a religious hermitage; there, they regularly perform spiritual and physical exercises (such as the different forms of yoga, meditation...). Sri Aurobindo known as a poet, freedom fighter and especially Guru of Mirra Alfassa, who’s known as MOTHER is a French, an excellent writer.
She came to Pondicherry to meet Sri Aurobindo, who guided her spiritual development. In 19
26 Sri Aurobindo ashram was formed with 24 disciples. Today the ashram is bigger than when it was founded. It’s a large institution. They created lots of communities like Sri Aurobindo Handmade Paper, Cottage Industries, ashram also provide free medical facilities…And the most famous is Auroville(founded in 1968). It’s a universal town, where people of all countries are able to live in a peace, calm, non-violent life. The purpose for what Mother created it, is to realize human unity.

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