Monday 29 November 2010

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

So now a new topic, it's "Sri Aurobindo Ashram"!!
It's a famous place founded by Sri Aurobindo on 24 november 1926 in Pondicherry.The mother who was in charge of this ashram, her real name was Mirra Alfassa who was born in Paris on 21 february 1878. First of all I'm going to tell the story of this ashram: So The mother was born in Paris but her primary interest was sipiritual development so she voyaged to pondicherry to meet Sri Aurobindo. Then she was obliged to go to France.
In 1920 she joined sri Aurobindo again in Pondicherry then she built the ashram and after his death in 5 december 1950 The Mother took the guidance so she left her body on 17 november 1973 in the ashram.
It's a place where we can meditate and where we can find some peace because it's a calm place. I already visited it but it's a very calm place that we can't even imagine.
There is a school in the ashram for the ashramists (they were white shirt and a green shorts). They are lucky because they can choose teachers but they have to go to school even on sundays so no weekends (ooof we have weekends here so cool!!!).

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