Sunday 30 January 2011

Guessing game

Now what are these?

Can you give me an answer in English, withour using your hands! I am not refering to the moustaches (at the top)!

(use the "comments" for your answer!)

Good luck!

Thursday 27 January 2011


Before you can say that word, so many specialists have to work on the project. Can you name a few?

What are these 2 really doing to the street? Are they make-up artists?

I'd really love to have my hair done that way!

Hey, these people seem to have a very important role to play! What are they up to?
You can use "comments" to suggest the names of the different specialists. Good luck!

Saturday 22 January 2011

Now shooting!

Now this is a major hollywood production. The film will be released in December 2012. For the time being it is being shot in the streets of Pondicherry with major actors such as your favourite English teacher! You just have to be patient till 2012!
On the set of "Life of Pi"

Incredible India!

Guess what! Richard Parker the tiger is in

I hope they won't let him out... He could scare our Lakshmi to death!

Awaiting Lee!

Just click on the article published in "the Hindu" in November 2010 to read it.

Wednesday 19 January 2011


If you want to look at more photos from Pongal, just click on the pot!


Wednesday 12 January 2011


Tamil students of LFP and Hong-Kong students are inviting you to celebrate Pongal with them at the lycée on Thursday. They'll be preparing the pongal all morning with Mrs Gandhimary and Mrs Brutus. Join them after class!

We have met!

Finally we have met them!
3euro section of Pondy and 4D bilingual section of Hong-Kong had their first get together.
They came and stayed with us for a full hour on Monday.
We'll take them on a walking tour of our town next Thursday afternoon!

Sunday 9 January 2011

I am Hindu

I am Hindu because my parents are hindu. I believe in Hinduism. Hinduism is politheist religion because there are many gods like Krishna, Ganesh, Bhrahma, Shiva, Vishnu,... I pray all hindu gods. I celebrate many festivals like Deepavali, Ganesh Chaturti, Holi, Pongal,... On Deepavali I burn crackers, on Pongal, we put kolam and we prepare pongal. I am not very religious but i often go to temple and wear traditional clothes. In hinduism, all the ideas of people for or against god are welcomed. All are treated equally and there were no punishments for expressing their views. In this religion, very detailed researches were made on the god and his existence. I am a hindu because all the religious practices made by us are very logical and practical. In hindus, when we meet each other, we join our hands and say Namasthe which means "I respect the god inside your heart heartfully". To conclude, I am hindu because I believe that hinduism is the easiest way to reach the almighty.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Mr. Richard Parker the tiger

In Yann MARTEL's book, Richard Parker is the tiger which survives on the lifeboat with Pi. It develops a relation with Pi that helps them coexist.
6 tigers are used for the production of the film ! You ask why they use 6 tigers for the production, and thet in the story there is only 1 ?
Here's the answer : It is because you can't force a tiger to act ! If a tiger doesn't want to act, he doesn't acts. You have to use another one.
MARTEL, in his story, named the tiger after many persons and story characters who had the same name, like in a Allan POE's novel, like many stories of survivors of a ship wreck who were known to have practiced cannibalism in order to survive.
MARTEL thought, "So many victimized Richard Parkers had to mean something.", so he gave the same to the tiger in his story which has to survive in a lifeboat with a little boy.

So here are the reasons for which the Richard Parker role was named like that, and how many tigers played the role in the film.
It will be blockbuster, don't miss it !

_Article by PERTHUS Maghesh and SIVAPRAGASSAM Aswin, 3ème European Section.

I'm Hindu because..

hi Friends, I'm going you why I'm Hindu

I'm Hindhu because i was born Hindu. The meaning of my name is: one of the Hindu god named "shiva".
When I go to temples, I should put Kumkumum and Vivoudi on my forehead after I finished my prayers. I'm Hindu because I celebrate all the Hindu festivals like pongal
( Tamil New year celebration), deepavali etc..
and I wear traditional clothes like half sarees. In the old days, most Hindus were vegetarians but nowadays it has changed.
I'm Hindu because I obey the rules like, I have to put a bendhi in my forehead and like my marriage will be traditional, I'll have the "tali" on the neck which married woman should not remove.
It replaces the marriage ring for the Christians.



Hi, friends!

I'm going to expain you why I am a Hindou. I m a Hindu because my parents are Hindus and I’m born in a Hindu family. I am a Hindu because I believe in all gods of our religion and I pray everyday. I am a Hindu because I often go to temples and I put “vibudhi and kungumum” on my forehead. I am Hindu because I celebrate Hindu festivals like Pongal, Ganesha Chaturthi, Diwali…. And I do fasting every Friday. I’m a Hindu because we celebrate grandly every marriage. I am a Hindu because I wear traditional clothes during festivals and I eat in banana leaves and, because of bhajans, because of poojas, because of Hindu Gods like Shiva, Ganesha, Brama, Parvathi, Lashmi, Shakthi…etc…

I am a Hindu and I am very proud of being a Hindu !!!

Wednesday 5 January 2011

i am a Hindu

Hello friends
I am a Hindu because my parents are hindu. Hindouism is a way of living which teaches people so many good things. Every elements of the nature are represented to a GOD. It's interesting for me.
I have an indian name which symbolise spring in Tamil. I like the indian culture and behind each things there is a reason and i think it's great. I know lots of things about the indian culture.
I also like indian mythology and i often go to the temple. I put viboudi and kougemum.
Most of the people buy new clothes like sarees for womens and dhoti for men and wear it during festivals.
I celebrate many festivals like pongal, deepawali , deepam etc.. that's why i am a Hindu and love it.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

I'm a Hindu.

Hi friends, in this article I am going to explain you why I am a Hindou.
Mainly I am a Hindou because of my parents and my ancestors who were Hindous too. I am a Hindou because my name came from a Hindou god called Ganesha. I am a Hindou because I go to the temple each friday and there I put vibuti and koungoumam. I am a Hindou because every morning I can see kollams in front of my house. I am a Hindou because I celebrate Hindou festivals like Dipavali, Pongal, Kartigai deepam, Vinayakar saturti...and during these festivals I do poojas, fire crackers and eat special pongal. I am a Hindou because I don't eat non vegetarian in fridays and in some other particular days like amavasai, pournami because those days are made to remember dead granparents.

I am a Hindou because I really love to be a Hindou.

Monday 3 January 2011

I'm a Christian...

Hi friends! I am going to explain why I am a Christian :
I am a Christian because, after my birth, I wasbaptized. I have studied catechism for 3 years. I went to church every Sunday. I also go to the church for religious celebrations (Christmas, Maundy Thursday...) When I was 12 I did my first communion. And I usually pray.
Here, I said that I went to the church every Sunday, because when I arrived in India I lost this habit, but that doesn't mean I never go to church. I still go when I go back to my country.
So, these are the reasons why I am a christian!

I'm a Christian

Hi friends. This post is to explain why I'm Christian. I'm a christian not because I have been convinced by others arguments but because of some impressive argument of the 'Bible'.
Because of Jesus that i love so much and the Virgin Mary (because i share all my secrets with them and they know all about me) . I've know so much about my religion because i studied in catechism two years ago. I was baptized, and i have received my first holy communion and my conformation. I confess when i feel bad after doing a mistake and the i feel better. I go to church most probably every Sundays, and for the Christmas eve, New year eve ... and for all the other christian festivals.

I am a christian because of ...

I am a christian because of the churches with high vaults, because of the rays of light entering throught the windows, because of the vitrals with magnificent colours, because of the great lyrical songs, because of the stories full of faith and bravery, because of the big family meals, because of the parties where the whole family gathers, because of Christmas and its thousands of gifts, because of the manger with magnificent figurines.

I am Hindu

I am Hindu because my parents are Hindu. I believe in Hinduism. Hinduism is politheist religion because there are many gods like Krishna, Ganesh, Bhrahma, Shiva, Vishnu,... I pray all hindu gods. I celebrate many festivals like Deepavali, Ganesh Chaturti, Holi, Pongal,... On Deepavali I burn crackers, on Pongal,we put kolam and we prepare pongal. I am not very religious but i often go to temple and wear traditional clothes. In Hinduism, all the ideas of people for or against god are welcomed.

My name is Ismaïl and I am a Muslim.

Hi there! I am going to talk about religion. I am not going to complicate things like Pi Patel because I only chose one path: Islam. I am not sure if words would be enough to explain why I chose this path, but I am doing my best. I am a muslim because, I was born like that, I grew like that and I live like that. This path was shown by my parents, I decided to go by that way because I thought it was the best for me. I am a muslim because I believe in God, he is unique, special, because I pray five times a day, because I fast during the month of Ramadan, because I give charity to the poor, because I did a pilgrimage to Mecca, and the list goes on, but people have to remember that religions aren't based on rules, religion means devotion, respect, love towards God, you have to feel it, you should not follow what someone told you, you are free to choose your path and this is the first thing that I learned from Islam and it is one of the main reasons why I am proud to be a Muslim. It is not just because I do so many things that I am a muslim, it is because deep inside me I want to be like that.


Hi friends !
I am going to tell you why I am a HINDU.
I am a Hindu because my parents, my grand-parents, and my ancestors are Hindu, because I decided to be a Hindu. I am an Hindu because I often go the temple, because I wear Viboudhi and Kungumam, because I do poojas, because I believe in Indian Mythology and in Hindu gods, because I celebrate with my family many Hindu festivals like Pongal, Diwali, Vinayagar Chaturthi, Karthigai Deepam, Hanuman Jayanthi. I am a Hindu because I eat in banana leaves, because I decorate cows and eat pongal (rice) during Pongal, because I light firecrackers and fireworks during Diwali, because I fast during the sacred days like Pournami, Amavasai, Pradosham and every Friday. During some periods, My family and I go to religious places and big and important temples.
I am a Hindu because I love being a HINDU !
See you soon !

I am a hindu because...

I am a Hindu because I am part of a Hindu family and I live in a country where Hindu remains.

I am a Hindu because of bangles in different colours, because of red and brown mehandies we put in our hands during festivals, because of traditional wears like sarees and half sarees made of silk, because of temples built very long ago during the period of the cholas, the pandvas and the gowravas, because of the hindu gods like Shiva, Muruga, Ganesha, Brahma, Vishnu and Goddesses like Durga, Shakti, Parvati etc... I am a Hindu because of that delicious Pongal and sugarcanes, because of the colourful Holi, because of the lighten Kaartigai Deepam and because of the sparkling Deewali.

I'm a hindu because...

Hi friends,

Nice to meet you after holidays. You know well that I'm Hindu, but you don't know why, I will tell it here why I AM HINDU?

Well! I'm a Hindu because when I was eleven days old, my parents did a festival named "Namakaranam" to name me for the first time. I'm a Hindu because my parents are, my ancestors were Hindus. I'm a Hindu because I go to temple, I wear Viboudhi, sacred ash. I'm a Hindu because I love Indian mythology which is related to Hinduism. I'm a Hindu because my God, Lord Rama, Sri Ramachandramoorthy, is Hindu. I'm a Hindu because I celebrate Pongal, Vinayagar Chaturthy, Rama Navami, Diwali, Hanumath Jayanthi,... I'm Hindu because I live in India, and Hinduism is the original religion of India, Bharat. I'm Hindu because I like Siddhas, sages who invented medicines, who were related to Hinduism unfortunately by the people. I'm a Hindu because I like the traditional, the culture of Hinduism.

P.S: sorry, I wanted to post a photo of me with a traditional suit, but unfortunately, I couldn't because of some technical and political issues!


Meet you soon Guys!

Sunday 2 January 2011

I am a Hindu!

These are our Symbols
I am a Hindu because my parents are hindu but I like to be a Hindu because the Hindu festivals are superb in India like Deepavali, Pongal ......... I love all the religious festivals because we can wear some religious clothes like half sarees, sarees but I wear it sometimes but I love it!!!
I love all the religions. here the marriages are like festivals, we celebrate like a party so my religion is good and I love it!!!!!!!!