Tuesday 30 November 2010

We won!

Our 4 teams during a photo session on that great day!
The Hindu : Life & Style / Kids : Petit Seminaire crowned champions
And Lycée français was crowned champions too, thanks to
Prasoona and Adithya (center) from 3 science!

Monday 29 November 2010

Swimming in Pondicherry

Hi friends! Do you like swimming? If you do, you will like this article because when you are in Pondicherry it will help you to know about swimming pools in Pondicherry.
In the last 5 years the number of swimming pools has increased. Swimming is the the second entertainment in Pondicherry after surfing for tourists. Here are some well known swimming pools : Nallam farm house, Blue star, Sampoorna, mass, Kailash... But now there are only three safe swimming pools (sampoorna, nallam farm house and Kailash), I said safe because in one of the other swimming pools happened a murder four months ago and the other one is closed for bad condition of water. Don't be scared because it doesn't usually happen. Now there is a great amusement park called Pogo land which is really great entertainment guys! I won't suggest you swim in Pondicherry beach because it isn't wery safe but if you want to swim in a beach you will have to go to Auroville beach.
I hope that you will like swimming in Pondicherry.

Swimming pool

Hi Friends,
I hope everybody likes swimming because now I'm going to name you some famous swimming pools in Pondicherry : Nallam farm house , Blue Star , Pogo Land , Kailash . These are some famous pools in Pondicherry. There are more swimming pools but they are not bigger and we can't enjoy well, like Coco Land ... etc . There's an amusement park in Pondicherry "POGO LAND" . So I hope you will enjoy in PY !


Hi ! Do you like history ? Then you may like this article. I am going to talk about 1947. Before 1947, India was a British colony, it became independent on August 15th. Even if it was independent, the union of India was still under British authority (Lord Mountbatten, viceroy of the Indian British Empire and first general of the Union of India) till January 26th, 1950, when India became a Republic and proclaimed its constitution. When you say Indian independence I think about three important leaders: Mahatma Gandhi, the ideological leader, Jawaharlal Nehru the political leader and Subash Chandra Bose, the military leader. Gandhi came to India, in 1915, to fight for Indians. Gandhi was self sufficient and he followed ahimsa, the avoidance of violence, that's why his revolts weren't violent and he didn't use any weapons. Nehru was part of the Congress party and became Prime Minister on August 15th, 1947. Subash Chandra Bose was the leader of the Indian National Army, like Gandhi he undertook revolts, but they were more violent. Indian Republic is quite young but still it has come a long way and keeps growing day by day. Thank you, comments are appreciated.

Swimming in Pondy

Hey Friends !
You know something? I love swimming and I'm sure that you will too !
Well, as it's situated on the seaside, Pondichery is a cool place for swimming : you can find many beach ressorts and swimming pools ( in amusement parks) here.
Here is a photo on the left) of a "terrase swimming pool", in Adithi Hotel ( stylish uh ? )
You can also go in Nalla Farm House, Dune, Kailash and many more, where you can find lots of tourists. I hope you'll have time to visit some of them !
We have also Serenity Beach which is near our school. People use to go there just for a walk, for relaxing themselves but of course it's strictly forbidden to swim or surf.


Hi friends,
The Independence of India occured on August and it gained independence from Britain in 1947. At the time of India's Independence , Pondicherry was under French control. Jawarhal Nerhu took office as the first Prime minister of India. Who is Jawaharlal Nehru? He was an Indian statesman. After the British left in 1947, it took another 15 years for Pondicherry to join India like a Union Territory. August 15th 1947 saw the dawn of India's freedom.


In 1947 there was a clash between two groups India and Pakistan. India was a British colony which was a part of the British Enpire. Before 1947 the impress of India was Queen Elisabeth. Mount Batten was the last governor of India.When India got its independence the flag of the British empire was given to him. India got it's independence because the British couldn't afford to feed them. India took six months to write a contitution that's why the republic day of India is on 26th january. India got its independence on August 15th. At that time the three most important leaders were Mahatma Gandhi, Subash Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru.


Hi! Would you like to know what happened in the year 1947? Let me tell you about it. On the 15th August 1947, it was the indian independance day, on that day, India got its freedom from the British. And before it was a British colony.Before 1947, the empress of India was the Queen Elisabeth. Mount Batten was the last governor of India. India has taken six months to write a contitution, 26th January is celebrated as the Republic Day, India came into force and India became a democratic and Republic state. On this day, India finally enjoyed the freedom of spirit, rule of law and principle of Gorvernance. At that time, the main leaders were Jawaharlal Nehru, Subash Chandra Bose and Mahatma Gandhi.
Hope you enjoy reading my article.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Hi Friends !

I am going to talk about The Sri Aurobindo Ashram!
It is a very quiet place !
It is situated in downtown Pondicherry.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram was founded on the 24th November 1926. But then, there were only 24 disciples in the Ashram.
Sri Aurobindo appointed a co-worker in charge of the ashram named Mirra Alfassa also known as The Mother.
The ashram favors Yoga and meditation. The Ashramites are vegetarians and don't belong to any religion. The people who work there don't get paid but they get food and a place to live.
As the ashram became bigger and bigger, there were many departments.
Nowadays, the ashram is a large institution.
The ashram has its own school. The students can choose the subjects and teachers they want but they don't have week-ends. Their uniform is white and green. They study in many languages like French, English, Hindi etc... They also give a lot importance to sports. The school is only open to its members.
There are also many charitable benefits in the area like free medical facilities.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Hello guys,
I’m going to present you “Sri Aurobindo Ashram” (mentioned by Pi in chap 3). The Ashram is a religious hermitage; there, they regularly perform spiritual and physical exercises (such as the different forms of yoga, meditation...). Sri Aurobindo known as a poet, freedom fighter and especially Guru of Mirra Alfassa, who’s known as MOTHER is a French, an excellent writer.
She came to Pondicherry to meet Sri Aurobindo, who guided her spiritual development. In 19
26 Sri Aurobindo ashram was formed with 24 disciples. Today the ashram is bigger than when it was founded. It’s a large institution. They created lots of communities like Sri Aurobindo Handmade Paper, Cottage Industries, ashram also provide free medical facilities…And the most famous is Auroville(founded in 1968). It’s a universal town, where people of all countries are able to live in a peace, calm, non-violent life. The purpose for what Mother created it, is to realize human unity.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

So now a new topic, it's "Sri Aurobindo Ashram"!!
It's a famous place founded by Sri Aurobindo on 24 november 1926 in Pondicherry.The mother who was in charge of this ashram, her real name was Mirra Alfassa who was born in Paris on 21 february 1878. First of all I'm going to tell the story of this ashram: So The mother was born in Paris but her primary interest was sipiritual development so she voyaged to pondicherry to meet Sri Aurobindo. Then she was obliged to go to France.
In 1920 she joined sri Aurobindo again in Pondicherry then she built the ashram and after his death in 5 december 1950 The Mother took the guidance so she left her body on 17 november 1973 in the ashram.
It's a place where we can meditate and where we can find some peace because it's a calm place. I already visited it but it's a very calm place that we can't even imagine.
There is a school in the ashram for the ashramists (they were white shirt and a green shorts). They are lucky because they can choose teachers but they have to go to school even on sundays so no weekends (ooof we have weekends here so cool!!!).

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Hi friends, here is a small article for you about 'Sri Aurobindo Ashram'. In December of that year, Sri Aurobindo decided to withdraw from public view, and appointed his co-worker Mirra Alfassa, thenceforth known as The Mother in charge of the ashram.
A complete method of Yoga
that would transform human nature to divine life. In Sri Aurobindo's system, the highest aim is the being of one, without the renunciation of life in the world.

A limited number of rooms are available in Ashram guest houses for visitors coming for a short visit to Sri Aurobindo Ashram.That place is favorable to meditate.
Generally an Ashram is a peaceful place to meditate. This ashram was founded on 24th November 1926 (Siddhi Day) by Sri Aurobindo. The Mother was the first in charge of this ashram. People who are working for this ashram are not payed, but they get to eat everyday and a home. Ashramites are spiritual, they don't belong to any religions, for them everyone is equal. They are all vegetarians, they never eat meat. And the students over there can choose their teachers and their subject 5at least.
But they don't have week-ends like us.

Sunday 28 November 2010

The Hindu Young World Quiz 2010

Hello everyone, hope you had fun during the last week-end, because I did. On Saturday 20th, I went to the Pondicherry Engineering College with some of my friends from 4°, 3° euro and scientific section and with our English teacher Mme François. We participated in the Hindu quiz which was held all over India. More than 600 students came from all over Pondicherry, and we had to wait in a long cue for hours before getting inside the auditorium where the quiz took place. First, written test, we had to answer 25 questions. Later , it was the real competition between six teams from different schools, luckily our school was one of them, and our friends from 3° scientific section had the chance to go to the stage and answer the questions. After a hard competition our school came third and the prices were awarded by Lakshmipathy Balaji, a famous cricket player, sadly we couldn't get an autograph. After an exiting day we came back to our school.

Friday 26 November 2010

Let the games begin

Hello everyone! If I am correct the Asian games have already started. So what do you say if we talk about sports? I am going to talk about hockey which is the national sport of India. The game is played between two teams of eleven players and five substitutes. The match is divided in two halves of 35 minutes. There are four positions: fullback(defense), miedfielder, forward and the goalkeeper. And there are also specific rules for example there is a penalty card system: the green card means an official warning, the yellow card is a temporary suspension and the red card means a permanent exclusion and also corners, free hits, and penalty strokes are awarded during fowls. The Indian hockey team is one of the best teams, it is currently in the 9th place in the FIH, Fédération Internationale de Hockey, (International Hockey Federation). The team has won its first Olympic gold medal in 1928. It has won 8 gold medals, 1 silver, and 2 bronze in the Olympic games. The team's captain is Rajbal Singh and the team is coached by Jose Brasa. What about you, in Hong Kong? What kind of sports do you play?


First of all, hockey is the national sport of India. Many people think that cricket is the national sport because it's the most popular sport in India. Hockey is a game that was invented many centuries ago. It's played with a "Stick" that has a flat side to hit the ball with, it is also curved at the tip. It's now played on some sort of fake watery grass. But we played on cement. We learnt the basics of hockey in school one afternoon, I personally didn't understand much of what the teacher said but I still managed to hit the ball. Just when we were gonna play a match it started to rain, we played a bit while it was raining and then we had to take shelter.
It was a fun experience, I hope you guys get to try it too.

Have tea or coffee in Nehru street like Yann Martel?

Nehru street is one of the well-known street in Pondicherry.
It was named after the independence of India in the honor of Jawharlal Nehru.
This street contains more than two hundred shops, twenty showrooms and restaurants, and may be five malls.
The sub-jail, the police stations (Crime & Traffic), the Pondicherry tourist information center, Manakualr vinayagar temple, the Indian coffee house, Thirupathi Thirumalai Venkatajalapahty devasthanam sanhathi, Kadhi vasthiralayam (indian gouvernement's textile), Adyar Anantha bhavan, Richy rich icecream parlour & the goubert market are the points of interest.
And every sunday you con find the famous moment of Pondicherry, Sunday market, where you buy cheap things and you can sell your second-hand objects like t-shirts, torn jeans, belts, wallets, tape recorder...
I hope that you will find it funny & intresting.
Be ready to visit our peaceful Pondicherry!


Hi friends! Do you know hockey?
One afternoon, we all met at school with the class of 4ème and we played hockey.

Have you ever played hockey? Because before this day I hadn't.
I can tell you it's a very amazing game!
Let me tell you about this sport:

We don't really know who invented hockey but it was invented around
3 000 years ago.
For this sport you have to use a hockey stick and a ball.
It's important to use the flat side of the stick and not the other side to hit the ball.

When you're playing you have to bend down. For the ball, we used a tennis ball.

And after that, when you have everything you need, you know what to do:

Let's play hockey!

India's favourite sport

Hi friends ,
I am going to present India's favorite sport, "cricket".
Cricket is played in teams with 11 players. the game was created by the English and in India we have a similar game of cricket called "Gilli". It was created before cricket . It means that they copied some rules from "Gilli" . The objective is taking the highest run (scores) without loosing wickets (losing players) than the other team . most of the team likes to score ''6 runs'' or ''4 runs''(other wise known as boundary) in a ball . in a ground , there are 3 categories : Batsman , Bowler , Fielder . In the picture you see a cricket match between Australia and South Africa , the 2 men with the bat and Helmut are south africa and the other one, who is on the pitch, is the Bowler , and the man with the hat is the umpire
For more details and rules go to :

Thursday 25 November 2010


Hello friends!
This is your friend Sivasankari, I would like to share with you our trip to
Trankbar (a big Danish town)!
It was a trip on August 31st, we took the bus in early morning and returned in the evening (8.30pm). Karaikal is one of the four regions of the Union Territory of Pondicherry, and it's a beautiful region. There, first we visited the French primary school called " Maison de France" , it is a small school for children of Karaikal, many students of this school have come to our Lycée Français. The chidren sang for us many songs, we sang for them!
Then we bought sweets: " Gulab Jamun and Alva", they were very delicious!
We went to a big Saniswaran temple, we saw a special "Lingam" on the ceiling. I think at 1.30pm we took our lunch at the " Ramya Residency".
After all that, we went to Trankbar, the Town Gate was very big, we visited a church, in which a man explained to us the story of Trankbar, that it was built by emperor Ziegenbalg, that is was a Danish colony between 1620 to 1845. Then we saw many muslim houses, we had a walk to the beach, we drank water in a small beautiful house. It was very quiet.
It was one of the very happiest trip we had!
Enjoy this video!
Thanks everyone to watch it!
See you very soon!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Our 3rd place

Dear Hong Kong friends, our school won the 3rd prize at the Hindu quiz!

On November 20th, 2010, 8 students including me paticipated to the Hindu quiz at Pondichery Engeniering College. And there we stood in a long line for registration for about 1 hour and there was above 75 schools which partipated in the quiz competition, after that we entered the auditorium where they gave at the entrance some goodies and a sheet with 25 questions and we all answered them. After that a team of our school qualified for the finals with 5 other teams from different schools and we finished 3rd in the finals and won 10000 rps . The prizes were distributed by the well-known indian cricketer L.Balaji. Finally we all returned back to school at 4 oclock. It was really a great experience!

Monday 22 November 2010

The Hindu Young World Quiz'10

Hi Hong-Kong. This is Aswin SIVAPRAGASSAM. I'm going to give you a short speech/message about the HINDU YOUNG WORLD QUIZ 2010.
It took place in Pondicherry, the 20th of November 2010. I participated in it with 7 other students of our school. The Lycée Français de Pondichéry, our school, won the 3rd regional prize!
There were about 600 students participating,coming from 420 schools in and around Pondicherry. The quiz took place in 13 cities before coming to Pondicherry. The Grand Finale will take place in Chennai,the capital of Tamil Nadu state,on 25th of November 2010.

The view of the Pondicherry Engineering College auditorium in which the quiz took place.
Our competitors ,representing the school, taking the 3rd regional prize from Lakshmipathy Balaji, a cricketer/bowler from the Indian international cricket team.

A Danish colony

Hi friends,
We went to trankbar on August 31st with our English teacher and some other teachers.
Trankbar is a Danish Fort in India, it was a Danish colony from 1620 to 1845.
In this town, first we walked on a road '' King street'' and we saw many beautiful houses and we entered in a church called the New Jerusalem.
We visited an old Danish fort and near that we played in the beach. I loved this trip because I got a super chance to visit this lovely place and we all enjoyed ourselves very much.

See you sooon!!!!

August 31st

We went to Trankbar on 31st August with Mme Mathis, Mme François and Mr Merry. We came to school at 6h45 am then the bus came at 7h am. We all were very excited. When we came to Karaikal first we visited a French school "Maison de France". The school's headmistress Mrs Asha Lourdessamy welcomed us and we visited the school. We sang for the children and then they sang for us. They sang very well. Then the bus stopped near a merchant and we bought halwa and gulab jamun ( sweet dishes). After that we went to the Sanisvaran temple. It is a very famous temple. There we saw a Pooja and many statues of god. At 1 pm we went to a restaurant called "Ramya residency" to have lunch. After having lunch we went to Trankbar which is a Danish fort. We visited a church where a man explain us the story about the fort. then we enjoyed playing at the beach. We returned at Pondy at evening 8h30pm.
It was very a beautyful trip! It was pleasure for us!
Thanks to all teachers
for giving us this pleasure!!!!

Nehru Street :D

Hey Friends ! I'm sure that you will visit some places in Pondichéry. So I would like to talk about one of our commercial street : Jawarhal Nehru Street. As you can see, Pondichérry is not that kind of big city but there are lots of small stores where you can find anything for your needs.
I have been here for the past 4 years and I sometimes use to go shopping or just go in a special shop where you can have indian snacks, sweets, ice creams and many candies. But I can tell you it's really amazing when it's the week-ends, you can find a super large crowd in this narrow street.
Moreover, you can also find the famous " Indian Coffee House " ( I think you have heard about it because of the story of Yann Martel ) which has been closed.


On 31st August,we went to Tranbar. We were very excited! We all arrived in front of our high school at 7:00 am. We traveled by bus. Then we came to Karaikal, we visited a school called Maison de France. Mrs Asha Lourdessamy, the head mistress, welcomed us and we sang for the students. We got on the bus. We were really hungry after the visit so we went to a restaurant called "the Ramya Residency" for lunch.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Welcome to Nehru Street!

Nehru street is filled so many different shops! It's the main market street of Puducherry.
In this street you can find all shorts of goods or products: wedding dress, clothes, shoes, fish, vegetable etc...
In fact the Indian Coffee house is situated in Nehru street.
I was there a couple of times when I was little with my parents and my baby brother. I remember that the atmosphere in that single but big room with sky blue walls was nice, the room was filled with people talking and eating.
They served typical Indian food and of course coffee too.

Hockey in Pondichery

Hi friends,

On Wednesday the 27th of 0ctober in the afternoon we had a lesson of hockey with two P.E teachers. With them we learned that hockey is a national sport in India and we learned the composition of a team. A team is composed by 11 players and 5 substitutes. That a match is divided in halves of 35 minutes. There are fours positions : goalkeeper, forwards, miedfielders and the fullbacks: the defenders. We learned the basic rules like we have to take the ball with the frontside of the stick (the flat one) and the basic moves : control, keep, push and shoot the ball.
We learned that we don't precisely know when hockey was invented but there are 4000-year-old drawings from Egypt.
It was a great afternoon!

My School Trip

TRANKBAR was our firt trip in this year with S.E ( which is where our teacher Mrs Mathis took all the pictures, you see in the blog) Theday started at 7 o'clock in the morning. The journey was quite long, after 3 and half hours( I think) we reached Karaikal, it is an old French colony. The first place we visited was a French primary school, the K+-ids sang a cute song for us to welcome us. Then a temple and we bought a famous sweet called "gulab jamun" for our family. Then we had lunch, a South Indian meal. Again after a little traveling we arrived to the Danish place in Karaikal. We were very tired after such long hours in the bus, we explored a Danish Church, museum, the fort and the main thing was the beach, we enjoyed a lot, we were so excited and didn't want to leave but unfortunatly we had to leave Karaikal. In the bus everyone was awake except the teacher, we had lots of fun till we came back to Pondy.

Thank you , Ms Mathis you gave us a wonderful trip ........

Cricket and Cricket

Hi Friends,
I think you all know about football, the first largest played sport in the World, that is no doubt. But you heard about Cricket? That is the second largest played sport in the World after Football.
Read this article to know about Cricket!
There are three types of Cricket matches, Test match which is played for 5 days, One Day International in which a team can bowl 300 balls, and Twenty20 match in which a team can bowl 120 balls. Cricket is played by 22 players in all, 11 players from each team. There are two teams, batting team and bowling team. The winner of the toss will choose to bat or to bowl. . . An over is a group 6 balls. If the batting team lost all their 10 wickets, the bowling team will go to bat, they have to chase the run taken by the other team. A wicket can be fallen in many ways, like bold, catch, run-out, stumped, hit wicket, leg before wicket(lbw).
Cricket is the famous sport played, watched in India. Cricket is the unannounced indian national sport. Yes, Hockey is the indian national sport, but all Indians' support Cricket. India has a team for Cricket, that team has played cricket since 1932. The first Indian cricket team captain was CK Nayudu, the last was Rahul Dravid, and the present captain is Mahendra Singh Dhoni. There are many famous players in Indian Cricket team, like KapilDev(retired), Sunil Gavaskar(retired), Mohammed Azharuddin(retired), Sourav Ganguly(retired), Anil kumble(retired), Rahul Dravid, VVS Laxman, Harbhajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Virendar Sehwag, MS Dhoni and Sachin Tendulkar called in India, God of Cricket. Yes, he is playing cricket for more than 20 years, he has many unbrokable records, he scored 200 runs in an ODI, he played more than 500 international cricket matches.
Sachin Tendulkar is unforgettable in Cricket history. Indian cricket team is in the top 1st in Test matches and top 2nd in ODI matches. Indian Cricket team has won an International ODI World Cup, and an International T20 World Cup. The team's new records are still going on!

Friends, do you know one more thing, is the 27th October 2010, we, the students of Euro Section 3e played Cricket! It was really funny and great!

meet you soon friends in another article,

Like Ian Martel, get a glimpse of Nehru street!

Nehru street is a very broad commercial road where you can find all types of shops. In the road side shops prices are very reasonable and in big shopping malls, you can find lots of things like shoes, dresses, jewels or whatever you want at different prices. It's a very famous place in Pondichery everyone knows where Nehru street is situated. It's always crowded and here in the photo we can see that there are some small, this is the sunday market. Every sunday you have in some streets of pondichery road side shops where you can find many things at low prices. Nehru street is named like this because Jawahrlal Nehru is a very famous person and to honour him we gave his name for the most important place of pondichery. In general Pondichery is known for perpendicular streets.

Hello friends!

Come and discover Trankbar, a nice town that we visited with our class!

We went to Trankbar, a little town in Tamil Nadu, on the 31st of August. Trankbar was a Danish colony from 1620 to 1845, then it became a British colony till India got its independence.
Trankbar was a very important and busy port when it was a Danish colony. We entered by the Town Gate, built around the town. It was a very silent place. We didn't see so many people as in Pondicherry. First we entered in the New Jerusalem Church, a white building, surrounded by a garden. It was very calm inside. Then we walked on a road where we saw many Muslim houses, Tamil houses... And we went to the ancient port, Dansborg. It was an old fort with a museum inside. The museum contains precious objects of the Danes and information on the ships which arrived to the port. Dansborg is quite vast and empty. Near the fort, you have the beach, the Bay of Bengal. Our favourite place was the beach, we really enjoyed it as you can see in some photos!
The people in Trankbar are very generous. They let us enter all in their house for water.


So I am going to tell about Trankbar situated in karekal, I really really enjoyed my trip to trankbar with my friends and teachers.
So trankbar is a place where Danish people lived. When we reached Trankbar, we saw a super big town gate (called "Landporten" in Danish). We entered (the street called king's street) we walked ahead. First we went to a church called "New Jerusalem church" so there a man told us a long story about the church.
Then we were very tired, we reached the end of king's street and we drank some water in a heritage house. In front of the heritage house we saw a super big fort.
We went in, and all over the fort and then to the beach so we were eagerly waiting to go there and we went there so we didn't want to leave but we had to go.
We saw a beautiful bungalow but we didn't enter. Finally we left Trankbar and a big good-bye to Trankbar!!!

A Danish fort in India!

On August 31st, we (my class and I) went to Trankbar, Tharangabadi, with Mme Mathis, our English teacher and some other teachers. Trankar is a small fishing village which became a Danish town. It is situated in Tamilnadu (near Karaikal). There, we saw an old Danish castle which was built in the 16th century under the leadership of Governor Rolland Crappe when they came there for trading. Nearby the fort, there are two churches called: the New Jerusalem church and the Zion church. They also constructed a seaview bungalow, which is very beautiful, for their gouvernor.

If you have a chance to visit Tranquebar, don't miss it because it is one of a very few monuments left by Danish people in India!


Even though Cricket is not the national sport of India, it is one of the most popular sports in the country.
Cricket is a bat and ball sport played between two teams of 11 players.
The team who wins the toss must decide whether they bowl or bat first.
A match consists of two innings.
In the first innings,while the team, who is batting, tries to score as many runs as possible, the other team bowls, fields and tries to dismiss the batsmen to restrict the score of the batting team.
In the second one, the side that was bowling takes its turn to bat and tries
to reach the score put on board by the previous batting team.
To score a run, the batsman must hit the ball with his bat, run to the opposite end of the pitch and touch the crease without getting run-out.
There are several ways to dismiss a batsman:
1. BOWLED:the bowler has hit the wicket with the ball
2.CAUGHT:the batsman has hit the ball with his bat and the ball has been caught before it has touched the ground by a member of the fielding side.
3.LBW: the ball must be going on to hit the stumps and must hit the pad of the batsman first.
4.Run-Out: a member of the fielding side has broken or "put down" the wicket with the ball while a batsman was out of his ground.
and many other ways.
There are many lenghts of matches who depends on the number of overs played in an innings: (an over = 6 balls)
The shortest one is the 20 overs match, and the longest one is the Test Match who is played for 5 days. The other format is the 50 overs match.
So far, the Indian Cricket team is doing very well, they are No.1 in Tests, No.3 in ODIs and No.5 in Twenty20s.
The team's captain is M.S.Dhoni , and here are a few majors members of the team:
Gautam Gambhir, Virender Sehwag, Rahul Dravid, the legendary: Sachin Tendulkar, Suresh Raina, Murali Vijay, Yuvraj singh and Harbhajan Singh...

We even played this sport at the lycée:
The 27th October 2010, We, the classes of 4eme and 3eme Section Euro, have played Cricket but not for long because it rained soon after.

And You, what sports do you play there in Hong Kong ?

Nehru Street (a commercial street)

You will find that Shopping in Pondicherry is a real fun, from bargaining, from the pavement, sellers to the shopping malls and plazas, Pondicherry Shopping Experience. Nehru street is the main commercial street in Pondicherry. All kinds of stores are available in the same street, you may find A to Z things in the same street if you walk along the street. In this street only the famous Indian coffee house is available, one of the oldest hotel in town.

Saturday 20 November 2010

Hello friends,
I'm going to talk about cricket which is the most popular sport in India and the Indian team. First of all, the 27th october we (the European section students) were assembled in our school to play cricket which was organised by our English teachers mme François and mme Mathis. The game is quite simple, it is played between two teams of 11 players, first the match is started with a toss and the captain who wins the toss will choose to bat or bowl. The teams which bats first will try to put a big total on the board and after that the other team will try to chase that score within the limited overs. The Indian team, led by M.S Dhoni, has been doing well in the international cricket in the last 3 years: they became the world n01 in test and the world n02 in ODI's and they won the 2007 t20 world cup. Sachin Tendulkar is India's legend player who is the first cricketer in the world to have played 20 years of cricket and he is the first man in the planet to have scored a double hundred in ODI, he has lots of unbreakable records. The other senior players remaining in the test squad are Rahul Dravid and VVS Laxman who have some unbelievable records too. But now there are some brillant youngsters like Murali Vijay and Suresh Raina who are growing well.
Hope that they do well in the upcoming 2011 world cup and they become the world n01 in ODI's too.

Sunday 14 November 2010


It is a very very funny book. It is written by Roald Dahl (it's not the story of Roald Dahl himself but it is similar).
A boy called Roald is a very funny character in this book, he hates studying and he is not so intelligent.
He discovered many strange thimgs in his life. During his childhood, he changed his schools many times. And he wasn't so intelligent. Finally, will he get a job? Will he suceed in his life?
I suggest you people to read this book because it's very funny and interresting. I have enjoyed it reading thoroughly. I would read it again and again. It's an exciting story for children!